The photograph, above, was taken April 2012 at Rock of Cashel.
Ireland is the home of my mother’s mother’s family. Our Coyle, English, Mullane and Brady families had their roots here. The Mullane family began in Kanturk, County Cork and moved to Clonmel, County Tipperary. The Coyle and Brady families lived in County Cavan in the towns of Finnea, Granard, Killykeen and Moat. I am sure they were spread further across Ireland and those locations will be uncovered as further research is done. Scroll down for names & research resources.
Some family names associated with Ireland:
- Bartholomew Anthony Brady 1866 – 1943
- Bartholomew Brady bc 1897
- Catherine Brady 1872 – 1930
- Catherine Brady bc. 1893
- Ellen Brady bc. 1902
- John Brady bc. 1894
- John Brady 1864 – 1957
- Patrick Brady bc, 1847
- Patrick Brady bc 1899
- Peter Brady 1891 – 1951
- Thomas Brady d 1914
- Thomas Brady b 1860
- Thomas Joseph Brady bc. 1890
- James Theopilous Dillon bc. 1719
- Margaret (Brady) Coyle c1855 – 1934
- MaryAnn Brady bc. 1900
- Mary Josephine (Mullane) Coyle 1867 – 1927
- Michael Coyle b 1870
- Michael Coyle bc. 1820
- Patrick Coyle 1841 – 1925
- Daniel Mullane c1838 – 1930
- Brigid (English) Mullane d 1920
- Frances B (Mullane) Keeton 1878 – 1946
Websites for Irish research:
- Ask about Ireland Lots of information about Ireland.
- Celtic Histories Surnames, histories, research service.
- Certificate of Irish Heritage Official certificate from government
- Clonmel Graveyards by subscription
- County Cavan, Ireland Library/Genealogy research service avail.
- Cyndi’s List for Ireland Many, many links.
- Emerald Ancestors Ulster & Northern Ireland
- Family Search free
- Free Irish Genealogy eBooks
- Find My Past A subscription site with many Irish records.
- Fly Leaf Press Family History & genealogy, How to search Books.
- Four Courts Press Academic book publishers.
- From Ireland: History & Genealogy music, customs, genealogy
- Griffith’s Valuation Find tax records for your family.
- Genealogy Boards, Ireland Join a free group.
- General Register Office
- GENUKI Many links for UK & Irish research
- Historic Graves A community project
- Information Wanted Search for Immigrants in Newspaper
- Ireland Genealogy Links Links by topic or county.
- Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Court, church, census, more.
- Irish American Heritage Museum – Albany, NY
- Irish Ancestry Research Center Research, education, training.
- Irish Archives Free 1901 & 1911 census
- Irish Genealogy Free church records & more
- Irish Lives Remembered Has a wonderful free digital magazine.
- Irish Roots Cafe Books, blogs, histories, an assortment of info.
- Irish Roots Toolkit Tips on how to get started.
- Irish Times Fees involved to research for you.
- Kanturk History and names of this Co Cork town
- Learn about Archives Lots of records here.
- Mallow Heritage Centre Co Cork research
- National Archives of Ireland National website.
- National Library of Ireland National website.
- Reaching Out Ireland Connect with people in your Irish county.
- Roots Ireland Search by county & pay only if you find a record.
- South Tipperary County Archives Lots of records; not searchable on line.
- Troy [NY] Irish Genealogy Society
- Valuation Office
Irish Maps:
- Ordnance Survey Maps Marvelous maps.
- Townland Database
Naturalization & Immigration:
- Castle Garden passenger lists
- Ellis Island passenger lists
- Naturalization the process & search suggestions
Interesting & helpful Irish blogs:
- A Light That Shines Again
- Black Raven Genealogy
- Irish Genealogy News
- Kevin’s Irish Research
- ‘On a Flesh & Bone Foundation’ An Irish History
- Small – leaved Shamrock
- Irish Lives Remembered Each issue highlights an Irish County.
A few of my blog posts about Irish research:
Books for Irish Research & History:
- Adolph, Anthony. Tracing Your Irish Family History. Buffalo, NY: Firefly Books, 2009.
- Ballymachugh History & Heritage Committee. Ballymaugh & Drumloman: Our Home Place by Sheelin’s Side, County Cavan, Ireland. Monaghan, Ireland: R & S Printers, Ltd., 2008.
- Bassett, George Henry. County Tipperary: One Hundred Years Ago. Reprint. Belfast, Ireland: Friar’s Bush Press, 1991. Originally printed 1889.
- Baxter, Angus. In Search of your British & Irish Roots. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1991.
- Gillespie, Raymond. Cavan: Essays on the History of An Irish County. Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 2004.
- Irish Genealogical Foundation, First. Ireland: Genealogy & Family History of Co. Cavan & Co. Leitrim. Kansas City: Irish Genealogical Foundation, 2007.
- Irish Genealogical Foundation, First. Ireland: Genealogy & Family History of Co. Tipperary. Kansas City: Irish Genealogical Foundation, 2007.
- McCourt, Malachy. Malachy McCourt’s History of Ireland. Philadelphia: Running Press, 2004.
- Mitchell, Brian. Irish Genealogy Research. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2010. This is a quick guide sheet, not a book.
- O’Laughlin, Michael C. The Book of Irish Families Great & Small. Third Edition. Volume I. Kansas City: Irish Genealogical Foundation, 2002.
- Ouimette, David. Finding Your Irish Ancestors: A Beginners Guide. Provo, Utah: Ancestry, 2009.
- Ryan, James G. Irish Reocrds: Sources for Family and Local History. Ancestry, 1997.
- Watts, J. F. The Irish Americans. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1988.
Resources for Travel in Ireland:
- Collins Ireland; Handy Road Atlas, 2009
- DK. Eyewitness Travel, Ireland, 2011