Jacob Ott II 1755 SC – 1820 SC
Jacob Ott II was born 14 August 1755 in South Carolina and baptized on Sunday, 21 December 1755.[i]He spent his life in the area.
During the Revolutionary War Jacob both gave supplies to troops and served during the war for freedom. In 1780, 1781 and 1783 Jacob gave cattle, corn and hogs to the South Carolina Militia. In 1781 he gave the soldiers 1,200 pounds of beef. After the wars end Jacob was compensated by the national Treasury for those supplies. In 1783 he was given Four Pounds, Twelve Shillings and Two Pence. Jacob was a Captain in General Francis Marion’s Brigade, serving from 1781 to 1782.[ii],[iii],[iv]General Marion was known as ‘the Swamp Fox’ and is famous for his methods of frustrating and defeating the British troops.
Jacob married Mary Elizabeth Ott, daughter of Casper Ott and Mary (Stehely) Ott, his first cousin.[v]They remained in Orangeburg, South Carolina. In October 1785, when Jacob was 30 years old, he had a plat of 300 acres of land. Some of this land may have been inherited from his father.[vi]Those 300 acres were on Cow Castle Swamp.[vii]
Jacob clearly remained in Orangeburg District, South Carolina. He can be found in census records there from the first U. S. Census in 1790[i]as well as in 1800[ii], 1810[iii]and 1820[iv]. His exact death date is unknown at this time.
[i]Jarrell, Lawrence E. Early Orangeburgh South Carolina Census. High Point, NC: Alligator Creek Publications, 1998) 35 & 52. Jacob Ott Senr. & Jr.
[ii]Teeples, G. Ronald, Ronald Vern Jackson, and Richard Moore. South Carolina 1800 Census(Provo, Utah: Accelerated Indexing Systems, 1973) 405. Jacob Ott Jr. & Sr.
[iii]Jarrell, Lawrence E. Early Orangeburgh South Carolina Census. High Point, NC: Alligator Creek Publications, 1998) 35 & 52. Jacob Ott Senr. & Jr.
[iv]Jarrell, Lawrence E. 1820 Orangeburgh South Carolina Census. (High Point, NC: Alligator Creek Publications, 1998) Jacob Ott in Orangeburg.
[i]Salley, Jr., Alexander S. The History of Orangeburg County South Carolina(Baltimore, MD: Regional Publishing Company, 1969) 157.
[ii]South Carolina Department of Archives and History. Account Audited of Claims Growing Out of the American Revolution; Series S108092, Reel 113, frame 534; digital image (scdah.sc.gov: accessed March 2019) Jacob Ott, Orangeburgh.
[iii]Daughters of the American Revolution, Ancestor Record, Ancestor #A084856, Jacob Ott; digital image, DAR (dar.org: accessed February 2019).
[iv]The American Revolution in South Carolina, The Orangeburg District Regiment Militia; digital image (carolana.com: accessed February 2019) Jacob Ott, Captain.
[v]Ott, Leo E. Us Otts, The Search for our Family(Yuba City, CA, 1999).
[vi]James, T. Mark. The Nine Jacob Otts of Orangeburgh, South Carolina; digital image, Roots Web (freepages.rootsweb.com: accessed February 2019).
[vii]South Carolina Department of Archives and History, State Plat Books; Series S213190, Volume 15, Page 288; digital image (scdah.sc.gov: accessed March 2019) Jacob Ott, 1785, Orangeburgh District.